Wk 12 — Art Activity — New Friends

Allison Ortiz
Nov 16, 2020


2- I didn’t know a lot about Desiree before this project.

3- I think I know a little more about Desiree after this project. I feel like I got a good sense of who she is, what she likes, and what she wants out of life!

4- I think that this is one of the only ways to really get to know someone during pandemic isolation. I think that it lets you get to know one another while staying safe.

5- I think another way to make connections during pandemic isolation can be on sites like Facebook and Instagram where you can find groups with similar interests as you.

6- Desiree and I used text messaging. I think this worked pretty well because it was convenient and we were able to share photos with one another. Another tool that might have been better is Discord.

7- Using Padlet was fairly easy for me. It would sometimes be frustrating when I tried to move a block and it would move and rearrange all of the other ones around it too. I think that it communicated the purpose and experience of this project well. Another platform that I think can do this is Prezi.

8- To make professional connections, I think you could use sites like LinkedIn to find people in your industry. To connect with friends during pandemic isolation, I think that you can use text, facetime, and social media sites to connect with one another.

